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Model versions

List model versions

curl \
    -H "Authorization: User <token>"

The following query parameters are available:

Name Type Description
limit integer Number of results to return per page.
offset integer The initial index from which to return the results.
id string id
organization string organization
battery_model string battery_model
version string version
project string project
created string created
updated string updated

Create a model version

Member Role required

Editing requires an Member role in the organization the resource belongs to. Find out more.

curl \
    -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: User <token>" \
    -F "organization=2" \
    -F "battery_model=12" \
    -F "version=hello-world"

Get a single model version

curl{id}/ \
    -H "Authorization: User <token>"

The response object contains the following fields:

Name Type Description
id integer
organization integer
battery_model integer The battery model this version belongs to.
version string The free-form version of this model. Versions are limited to 64 characters in length.
file integer The file reference that is storing this model version. Files may be attached after creating the model here.
capacity_prediction_index integer Depracated in favor of Output Indices. The index value of the battery model's output which contains the capacity estimate. This value must be a non-negative integer.
soh_prediction_index integer Depracated in favor of Output Indices. The index value of the battery model's output which contains the state of health estimate. This value must be a non-negative integer.
grading_prediction_index integer Depracated in favor of Output Indices. The index value of the battery model's output which contains the grading estimate. This value must be a non-negative integer.
confidence_score_index integer Depracated in favor of Output Indices. The index value of the battery model's output which contains the confidence score of the estimate. This value must be a non-negative integer.
capacity_std_index integer Depracated in favor of Output Indices. The index value of the battery model's output which contains the standard deviation of the capacity estimate. This value must be a non-negative integer.
soh_std_index integer Depracated in favor of Output Indices. The index value of the battery model's output which contains the standard deviation of the state of health estimate. This value must be a non-negative integer.
metadata object This JSON stores model specific metadata.
projects array
notes string
created_at string
updated_at string
created_by string

Update a model version

Member Role required

Editing requires an Member role in the organization the resource belongs to. Find out more.

curl{id}/ \
    -X PUT \
    -H "Authorization: User <token>" \
    -F "organization=15" \
    -F "battery_model=11" \
    -F "version=hello-world"

Delete a model version

Owner Role required

Deleting requires an Owner role in the organization the resource belongs to. Find out more.

curl{id}/ \
    -X DELETE \
    -H "Authorization: User <token>"

Download a model version

curl{id}/download/ \
    -H "Authorization: User <token>"